Embracing the Essence: Being Good Human with Saqib Saeed Malik

In the grand theater of existence, where life’s stories unfold,
There lies a truth, a timeless wisdom, cherished and bold.
It speaks not of riches, nor of fame or might,
But of the simple yet profound essence, shining bright.

To be a good human, oh what a noble quest,
To walk with compassion, to give our very best.
For in the gentle touch of kindness, in the warmth of a smile,
Lies the power to heal, to bridge the miles.

It’s in the moments of empathy, of understanding and grace,
That we find the true measure of our human race.
To lend a hand to those in need, to lift the fallen high,
To be a beacon of hope beneath the vast, open sky.

To be good human is to stand for what is just,
To speak for the voiceless, to earn the people’s trust.
It’s in the courage to fight for equality and rights,
And to champion the cause of justice, even in darkest nights.

In a world marred by conflict, by hatred and greed,
It’s the light of compassion that we sorely need.
So let us strive, each day, to be better than before,
To spread love and kindness, from shore to distant shore.

For in the end, when all is said and done,
It’s the legacy of goodness that truly won.
So let us heed the call, and in our actions find,
The beauty of being human, in heart and in mind.